Private: Dorje Namjom-ma Purification Ritual 2022


Dorje Namjom-ma Purification Ritual
Sunday, December 11th, 2022
11:00 AM – 1:00 PM
Investment: $35

We are very happy to announce that Spiritual Director Kushok Lobsang Dhamchöe will be offering a Dorje Namjom-ma Purification Ritual on Sunday, December 11th, 2022, in person and via Zoom at Gaden Samten Ling. 

Anyone with an interest in overcoming mental or physical health issues or who wishes to receive the blessings of Dorje Namjom-ma is invited to attend this special event.


This very powerful ritual will have a significant positive effect on all who attend. In Buddhist philosophy it is understood that many physical and mental health issues are caused by harmful spirits or negative forces attacking a person. These harmful spirits are impossible for western doctors to see – they cannot be found on any medical tests – but many people experience negative effects from them. Anyone who is suffering from bad luck/bad omens, misfortune, illness/epidemics, injuries, untimely death, people who wish to harm us, harmful spirits, obstructive forces, and hindrances can particularly benefit from this ritual. All of these symptoms can be helped by this ritual.

Before the ritual, Kushok will recite the self-generation sadhana to generate himself as the deity Dorje Namjom-ma. He will then perform the ritual by concentrating as the deity, reciting the sadhana, and using external objects: vase, vajra, and bell. The Dorje Namjom-ma nectar vase that is empowered through the ritual master’s power of concentration contains the full mandala of Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, Dakas, Dakinis, and Dharma Protectors. The water inside the vase is the transformed into the nectar of the deity that will be used to bless you. The mantras in the ritual serve to purify negative energy (sweep it away), protect the recipients from harmful influences, and bestow blessings. Through the power of concentration, recitation, and performing the ritual using holy objects, all the enlightened beings and protectors come from the ten directions like a blizzard of snowflakes to cover the whole environment, cleanse and purify it and all people within, and bestow the blessings of the enlightened beings.

Kushok will bestow these blessings on attendees using the video conferencing tool Zoom. It is not necessary to have physical contact with the Master to receive the purification; instead attendees will receive the blessings by following the visualizations described by Kushok. This is a very rare and special opportunity to receive a powerful purification and blessing.


Please visit to learn more about our Spiritual Director Kushok Lobsang Dhamchöe.


Your investment to participate in this Purification Ritual is $35.

It is Gaden Samten Ling’s belief that no one should be turned away due to lack of funds. If you are experiencing financial challenges that prevent you from registering, please contact Gillian at [email protected].


Dorje Namjom-ma is one of the emanations of Tara who manifested specifically for cleansing negative energy. Negative energy has both gross and subtle levels. Gross level negative energy is known in Buddhism as emotional obscurations – disturbing emotions and attitudes and which prevent us from achieving liberation. Subtle level negative energy is known as cognitive obscurations – the obscurations that prevent omniscience including obscurations to meditation and study. Both gross and subtle level negative energies can be purified by Dorje Namjom-ma.

Dorje Namjom-ma has the power to cleanse away all obstacles including bad luck, non-virtuous karma, illness, harmful spirits, epidemics or plagues, people who wish to harm us, unfortunate circumstances, inauspicious situations, curses, misfortune, bad omens, injuries, untimely death, negative days/months, thieves, mara forces, demons, and hindrances. The power of Dorje Namjom-ma can also cleanse away negative energy from broken commitments, displeasing the Buddhas and bodhisattvas, and living in or visiting unclean environments – all of these actions attract negative beings towards us. Dorje Namjom-ma can pacify and cleanse away all kinds of negative spirits and obstacles.

Dorje Namjom-ma also has the power to purify external environments including houses, properties, cities, provinces, and countries as well as internal environments which includes our body, speech, and mind. In fact, every full moon monks from Namgyal Monastery go to His Holiness’ palace to purify the environment. Before the ritual Kushok will recite the self-generation sadhana to generate himself as the deity Dorje Namjom-ma. He will then perform the ritual by concentrating as the deity, reciting the sadhana, and using external objects: vase, vajra, and bell. The Dorje Namjom-ma nectar vase that is empowered through the ritual master’s power of concentration contains the full mandala of Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, Dakas, Dakinis, and Dharma Protectors. The water inside the vase is the transformed into the nectar of the deity. The mantras in the ritual serve to purify negative energy (sweep it away), protect the recipients from harmful influences, and bestow blessings. Through the power of concentration, recitation and performing the ritual using holy objects, all the enlightened beings and protectors come from the ten directions like a blizzard of snowflakes to cover the whole environment and all people within with their blessings.

Participants who have single-pointed faith that they are receiving the blessing of Dorje Namjom-ma will receive the strongest blessing from the ritual. The sadhana recited by Kushok describes one by one all the obstacles which are purified through the ritual. Although we don’t have an English translation we should have no doubt that whatever obstacles we are facing have been completely purified through the blessing of our teacher self-generating as Dorje Namjom-ma and his performance of the ritual.


We are using Zoom meetings to provide the Teachings and events online. We are recording these Zoom livestream events as videos. We may offer these videos online through our Membership Portal.

If you do not wish to have your face recorded during the Zoom livestream events, please turn off your camera. If you have questions regarding how we are protecting personal information, please see our website at the link below. 

Privacy Policy and Notification of Photos and Videos – Gaden Samten Ling Tibetan Buddhist Meditation Society (


Please note photos and videos may be taken for promotional purposes. Our Privacy Contact is Andrew Patton, 780-479-0014, [email protected].


Please note that we will be abiding by the current provincial guidelines regarding masking and physical distancing requirements. If you are feeling unwell, we kindly ask that you attend class virtually and join us in-person when you are not symptomatic.

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